Sam Scott (August 2006)

Welcome to the Slow Boat Inquisition, in which musicians, celebrities and famous people who cross our path share their thoughts with us over a few probing questions. Here's our session with Wellington's own Sam Scott. 1: Your full name Samuel Flynn Walker Scott, which means Scott Walker is in my name, which means nothing... 2: Where do you call home? The Bay of Islands, oh I mean Island Bay. But my new band is called The B.O.P so I am easily confused. 3: What is your earliest musical memory? Well there was a lot of music in house growing up so its hard to pin it down to one event. I guess violin lessons at five years of life on this earth was a strange and slightly troubling experience. Apparently I used to sing Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel when i was three, hmmm. I am listening to that song right now, its not so great truth be told. 4: What is your favourite piece of musical equipment? Well I love my Yamaha piano quite a bit (my grandma gave it to me!) and my Yamaha acoustic guitar which i bought when i was 15 just coz i write all my songs on it. But at the moment i am deeply in love with my new Gibson E335 through my 68 Fender Delux, creamy bailys, mmm creamy beige. 5: Who would you most like to collaborate musically with? Jeremy or Steve or Dennis from Slowboat. Ummm or Tom Waits. Its a tough choice. 6: Your favourite holiday destination, and why? I really want to go to Lebanon. I think i may have adopted from Lebanese freedom fighters on the run. Falafel is my spirit animal. 7: What is the first album/track of yours that anyone who is unfamiliar with your music should listen to? I always think I good place to start is This Charming Van off the first Phoenix Foundation album Horsepower. Its sort like the song were we got our shit together and made something good. The album grew out of that revelation. Our first EP is a bit shady I reckon but it has few fans, not me though I HATE IT! 8: What's the last great film you saw? Grizzly Man was pretty awesome, its a documentary by Werner Herzog about this poor sad man who though he was the saviour of the American brown bear and then he gets eaten by one. Its a grim but well told tale. But in truth my most enjoyable film experience this year was the new Pirates of The Caribbean, what a wild romp! 9: And the last great record you heard? The self titled Lawrence Arabia album. That man is special and occasionally has a DOC worker beard, which is bonus rad flayva. 10: Who is going to win the soccer World Cup? Oops too late for that. Italy of course. Duh. I was gunning for England, alas. Go Wellington in the funny new NPC!