What a day!!!
Many thanks to everyone who made it down for the launch of Nick Bollinger's "100 Essential New Zealand Albums" book on Friday night - a fine time was had by all, books were sold, opinions debated heatedly... and nobody got hurt.
For those of you who missed out, we still have copies of the book, along with Nick's earlier effort, "How To Listen To Pop Music", both still at a special Slow Boat price.

Friday was further enlivened by a visit from none other than former Smiths guitarist, Johnny Marr, visiting in his new capacity as guitarist for young Wakefield indie rockers The Cribs. Once we got over the heart palpitations, we managed a bit of a chinwag, got some effexor buy online stuff signed, took some pictures, and Johnny revealed himself to be something of a connoisseur of NZ indie rock, grabbing recent releases from Connan Mockasin, Lawrence Arabia, The Phoenix Foundation and The Chills.
An absolutely stellar fella, and one who is more than welcome round these parts any time at all - meeting your heroes should always be this great!
Oh - and we have the new Joanna Newsom album in stock, it's a triple album called "Have One On Me", vinyl coming soon...